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I lost 5 kilos already the first week!



Roger was interviewed after the end of the activity by Familjeliv and here you can read about her experiences and results from Kickstarta.

- I was overweight and wanted to lose weight. When you run a method like this, a lot happens in the beginning, and for my own part I need to lose more than 0.5 kg a week to feel that push to continue. With the Modifast method, I lost 4.5-5 kg just the first week. It made it much easier to continue later, and I became more motivated.

- As a first goal, I wanted to lose around 20 kg in 6 weeks, but after a while I understood that it was a bit too high. However, I managed to lose 15 kg, so I almost reached the goal. I also wanted to start eating better in general, and I think I succeeded. The good thing about Modifast is that you can control a lot yourself, and replace only one or two meals so as not to feel hungry. One goal was also to become stronger in the body with the help of training as I have a little back pain.

- The training could not be easier. I received information every week about how I would train. Among other things, there were quick walks to be done every day. First shorter, then a little longer, which was great. The training with the Bodyweight® straps is based on your own body weight, so it was just to follow in their mobile app exactly how much and for how long I would train. The sessions with the bands were only about 20 minutes at a time, which felt very good. Then they also ran the "challenge of the week" which was really fun.

- In the beginning, it was extra difficult to get into the method itself, because all normal diets were excluded. It made you think about food all the time! But it also made people appreciate eating "only" a salad later. You just have to like the situation and drive on!

- It is good that you get a quick result, which means that the motivation lasts. The Modifast dishes are also really good and have a good variety, which makes it easier. The "bar" tastes almost like candy! What is a big advantage is that it is not so time consuming. You can really achieve good results with just the diet, it will not be the same requirement that you have to train several hours a day, but it is possible to get a change even though you are short on time. The time-efficient training was also very good for me who is single with two children!

- Suitable for all people! Especially when those who are overweight, and want to change their unhealthy lifestyle.


-15 kilos in 12 weeks!



In Kickstarta 2020 August, we chose to follow a participant all the time in his Kickstarta 16/8 journey. For 12 weeks, Kenth stuck to an 8-hour food window in combination with Bodyweight training. 

Name: Kenth Sigfridsson Starting weight: 102 kg. Waist measurement: 113 cm

Kickstart: When did your weight become a problem?

Kenth: Is probably around 3 years ago after I had a problem with a shoulder, in terms of weight it was when I passed 90 kilos.

Kickstart: How does your current weight affect your life right now?

Kenth: Inhibits my training and exercise from being too heavy.

Kickstart: What methods have you tried before to lose weight and why do you think they did not work?

Kenth: Have you tested your previous Kickstarta as you did together Modifast, I lost many kilos but unfortunately I went back to the same weight, fast down and fast up again, my routines in life did not change during my weight loss, I think so made me back at the same weight as when I started.

Kickstart: How much weight do you hope to lose now?
Kent: The desire is 5 kilos the first month, a goal that is within my capacity, do not want to raise the bar too much.


Kickstart: What is your biggest challenge: Food, exercise, temptation?

Kenth: The evenings at the TV, will try to change my daily routines.

Kickstart: What do you expect to get out of Kickstarta Online 16/8 more than weight loss?

Kenth: An increased "feel good", along with losing weight, I think I sleep better.

- The goal was to get started with my weight loss, get a new healthy thinking about my diet and to get started with exercise. What I have been looking for is a method that gives me a permanent weight loss as I have gone on different diets and constantly gone back to my starting weight. Thank you Kickstarta Online, you have given me the tools to lose weight and stay. No more diet for me!

Kenth´s result:
Final weight after 12 weeks: 87 kg. Waist measurement: 97 cm

I have gained more energy thanks to Kickstarta 2019!


Christina -7 kg, KICKSTART ONLINE

Christina participated as Kickstart's ambassador for six weeks in January 2019 when she was motivated to take care of her health. "- I have a tendency to be careless with meals, sometimes I do not eat breakfast, skip lunch because I do not have time and take something instead. "It's easy to plan and I can take a shake and know I'll get all the nutrients I need. I'll be full and keep my blood sugar in check."

“What I think is important when it comes to making this type of lifestyle change is that you must have made up your mind and be motivated. Doing it a little does not give the same results ", Christina writes in her blog. After the six weeks completed, Christina has lost 7 kg and is more than halfway to the goal of 12 kilos. She feels that she has more energy and is more motivated to train. Read more about Christina's thoughts and results on her  blog here


I have gone from overweight to normal weight!


Jeanette -6.4 kg, KICKSTART ONLINE

This is lovely Jeanette who participated in the latest round of the Kickstart 2019 activity! She has fought very well and got great results - both in terms of weight and habit. 

"Great feeling to have managed all six weeks! Ends at -6.4 kilos and has gone from overweight to normal weight. Feels wonderful! Should really try to keep this. Congratulations to everyone in the group who fought! _Cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

"Have tried to create new habits during the Kickstart. The best thing is that I doubled my daily number of steps and found new wonderful forest rounds with the dogs! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_




Kennet -27 kg, KICKSTART ONLINE 

Hi my name is Kennet and I am the founder of Kickstarta Online. I myself have a past as overweight. In my youth, it was training that always mattered. Football and ice hockey. training 4 days a week and match 1-2 times every weekend. When I was 16, I started strength training with weights. At the age of 20, I competed in bodybuilding for the first time. The training was then up for 6 days a week. Then started working as a personal trainer while I ran a gym. When I then became a senior, I stopped competing and invested in my company that I started during this time. 

The years went by and I started training sporadically, but during a time when the company took the most time, I did not train at all. When I turned 40, my weight was up to 110 kilos, a weight I had when I trained the most, the difference now was that the weight consisted of fat, not muscle.

10 years ago I started training more seriously again with a goal that I wanted back a body where the weight consisted predominantly of muscle not fat. I train today to  get old with the highest quality of life. In connection with that, I found training with my own body weight. I have developed a training tool and an app where 150,000 people train today. 1.5 years ago I created the concept KICKSTARTA ONLINE  where we combine periodic fasting, and training. Today I am 57 years old and in the shape of my life!


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